Have you ever had a massage that left you slightly disappointed because the area you felt you needed the most focus on received very little attention? Or have you ever found yourself on the table silently urging the massage therapist to linger on a certain spot a bit longer? If so, have you ever wondered why you didn't just speak up? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people are afraid to speak up during a massage for fear of offending their therapist.
Guess what? The secret truth is that your massage therapist would LOVE for you to speak up and give him/her feedback during your massage. After all, it is YOUR massage. Your therapist may be the best in the world, but a little feedback from you will help them to do an even better job. Here are three ways to get the most out of your massage: 1. Will you stop talking please? A big part of an effective massage is the ability to allow both your mind and body to relax and open up. If your massage therapist is a bit too talkative, you are not likely allowing your mind to fully relax. A good way to address this is before your massage. Before you go in, mention to your therapist that you need quiet time to relax and unwind. If you fill out a client intake form prior to the session, be sure to mention this on there as well. 2. Will you please work the area I came here for? If you went to your massage therapist with a sore lower back, then you probably want your lower back worked on right? Sounds reasonable enough doesn't it? Well sometimes massage therapists have their set routines and they tend to do the same massage regardless of the problem area you want worked. If this happens to you, don't be afraid to speak up. All you have to say is, "You know, my lower back is still pretty sore, do you think you could work that more?" Now is NOT the time to be shy! 3. Going, going, gone.... Admit it, this has happened to you. You're laying on the table and the therapist finds an area that feels great and you know is "THE SPOT". Just as you start to think, "Yes, stay there....", the therapist moves on. Again, this is the time to speak up. Contrary to what you might think, your therapist would LOVE it if you exclaimed, "There, that feels so good. Can you stay there longer?" A little feedback from you will improve your overall results in a big way. If I could sum up this entire article in one word, I would say, "feedback". Your massage therapist wants your feedback both before, during, and after your massage so that they can do the best job possible for you.
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